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Tiger Uniform
Cub Scout Uniform Shirt

First graders work toward the Tiger rank.

Colors feature navy blue and orange.

Items with asterisk are required, other items are optional.

Online Scout Shop

Tiger Workbook
Cub Scout Uniform Belt


1st Grade

Cub Scout Shirt *

Tiger Handbook *

Cub Scout Belt *

Tiger Nickerchief

Tiger Neckerchief *

Tiger Slide

Tiger Slide *

Tiger Cap

Tiger Cap

Cub Scout Socks

Cub Scout Socks

Cub Scout Uniform Skort Girls With Pockets

Cub Scout Girls Skort With Pockets

Cub Scout Uniform Rollup Pants

Cub Scout Roll up Pants

Cub Scout Uniform Shorts

Cub Scout Shorts

Cub Scout Uniform Pants

Cub Scout Pants

Cub Scout Uniform Skort No Pockets

Cub Scout Girls Skort With No Pockets

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