
Welcome to Pack 545

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Pack 545
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Dues, Fundraisers, Cub Account

Every year the pack committee meets to discuss the budget of the pack.  The budget is based upon the prior years experiences, how much money is left over from last year, and the overall state of the economy.  


The pack committee then sets goals for fundraising and the amounts to pay for dues.  


The proceeds collected from fundraising and dues are used to pay for expenses such as:

  • Pack meeting expenses (room rental, craft supplies, guest speakers, etc.)

  • Den meeting expenses (craft supplies, den equipment, etc.)

  • Pack property such as flags, pinewood derby track, etc.

  • Awards

  • Leader training

  • Scout and leader registration

  • Class B uniforms


Dues for each Scout enrolled in Pack 545 for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $175.00 per Scout. 


An additional $15 for Scout Life Magazine subscription. (optional)

Keeping dues affordable is important to the pack’s leadership, and we are confident that the benefits each scout receives from scouting far exceed the cost.

Each scout’s dues are to be paid in full prior to or at the first pack meeting. 


Any family that experiences financial hardship in making a one-time payment is welcome to contact the Cubmaster or their scout’s den leader to make alternate payment arrangements.  


All scouts are required to participate in fundraising.  Fundraising benefits the BSA, the pack, and the scout.  Pack 545's fundraisers are:

  • Popcorn Fundraiser

  • Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser


A percentage of the popcorn sold by the Scout is credited to their cub account.

Cub Account

All Scouts in Pack 545 have a Cub Account.  Your cub may have money in that account if they participated in a Pack fundraiser (Popcorn).  Part of every fundraiser is to raise money for the Scouts to participate in as many of the cub programs as desired.   The money is managed by our Pack Treasurer.

What is the balance of my Scout's Cub Account?

At any time you can contact the Treasurer to find out how much is in your cub's account.

How do we use the money in our Cub Account?

To use money from your account, a receipt must be given to the Pack Treasurer. The Pack Treasurer will write you a check from the Cub Account for the reimbursement.

What can the Cub Account be used for?

In general, accounts can be used for scouting related activities such as:

  • Costs for activities with your den

  • Camp Registration (for the Cub or Adult Partner)

  • Pack Activities

  • Uniforms, Handbooks and other items from the Scout Shop. (Make your purchase and submit your receipt to our Treasurer)

What happens to leftover funds?

Cub Accounts are carried over from year to year as long as the cub is in our Pack. If the Cub leaves our Pack and transfers either to another Pack or to a Boy Scout Troop, then the funds can be transferred to that Pack or Troop directly. If the Cub leaves scouting entirely then any remaining funds in their Cub Account will be turned over to the Pack general account.


We cannot pay out Cub Account funds in cash.

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