
Welcome to Pack 545

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Pack 545
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​Pack 545

Established in 2001, our primary objective is to instill in children the twelve fundamental values of Cub Scouts.

Pack 545 Scouts at the Colorado Rockies Game.
  • Citizenship

  • Compassion

  • Cooperation

  • Courage

  • Faith

  • Health and Fitness

  • Honesty

  • Perseverance

  • Positive Attitude

  • Resourcefulness

  • Respect 

  • Responsibility

Beyond the core values, our Pack also places a significant emphasis on three key areas: family involvement, paying tribute to our veterans, and promoting healthy competition. If these values and emphases align with your family's personal beliefs, our Pack may be a suitable choice for your child(ren).

Typically, our Pack draws members from an area bordered by 128th Street to the south, Sheridan to the west, I-25 to the east, and Highway 7 to the north. While new members are welcomed year-round, the standard registration period is in August.

​What We Offer
Pack Meetings:
Pack meetings take place on the first or second Wednesday of each month, with the schedule varying between September and May.

Den Meetings:
Our pack is organized into several dens, each consisting of 6 to 10 Scouts. Den meetings are typically held twice a month, and the specific meeting night is determined by the den leader for each group.

Pack545 Firehouse Visit

​Pack 545 Outings

Throughout the school year, our pack provides outings about once a month, and during the summer, we offer multiple opportunities each month. These outings include a wide range of activities, such as Rockies baseball games, Denver Zoo sleepovers, service projects, camping trips, and picnics. Please note that while some of these activities are complimentary, others may require an additional cost.

District Events

The Greater Colorado Council of Scouts BSA regularly hosts events open to all Cub Scout packs and Scout troops. These gatherings bring together Scouts from various packs and troops in the Denver area for enjoyable activities like camping and the Scout Show, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences among Scouts throughout the region. 


Cub Scouting is not a "drop and go" activity; parental involvement is a vital component of our program at every meeting and event. We highly encourage additional family participation beyond this requirement. Involvement can take various forms, ranging from taking on a leadership role for a group of Scouts (den leader) to offering assistance during our monthly events.

We recognize that each family has its own unique set of commitments and responsibilities. Therefore, we respect and appreciate the level of support that each family can provide and work collaboratively with them to determine what aligns best with their individual circumstances and the needs of our pack.

Click Here for a sampling of volunteer opportunities.

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